Monday, 21 September 2015


I don't have much to write about today, but I'll write anyway in the hopes of finding a topic.

I've been sharing my career articles with my friend and boyfriend, and both have said they find them too formulaic. They'd both prefer it if my articles were more personal, which would make them more of a 'conversation starter'- in other words, make them think rather than telling them what to do.

The format of these articles comes very naturally for me. In my own life, I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but I find it extremely easy to see what other people should be doing. In fact, when I speak to people, I am able to grasp their moods and thoughts intuitively even when I'm in the middle of a conversation. I only realised this was a special skill when I started getting to know myself better, and when I learned about Myers Briggs. One of the reasons I like writing in this format is because this is my opportunity to give clear, straightforward advice. I find it hard to apply this advice to myself, but I  feel good when I can write it out in a way other people can easily follow.

My boyfriend asked me, 'why should other people listen to you?' This is a valid question. This is just my opinion, and I don't have any credentials and career experience. Still, I do recognise that it's a great skill to read people as well as I can. I hope that one day, people will read my articles, apply my advice and find it helpful. In the meantime, I'm going to continue writing and try to find my voice. People are drawn to authenticity, and at the moment my writing is very formulaic. I'm hoping to find a writing style that conveys both my personality and insight.

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