Saturday, 22 August 2015

Top Tips for Jumpstarting Your Day

It's easy to get stuck in a funk. Here are some top tips for jumpstarting your day:

1) Exercise

Exercising is a great way to get energised and feel better about yourself. It doesn't matter if you don't exercise regularly. There is a Japanese concept called kaizen that can be summed up to focusing on continuous, incremental improvement. Try to do a little bit more, every day, without any pressure on yourself. This can be one push-up or running a mile. Personally, I enjoy yoga, swimming and doing Youtube fitness videos. Here are some website recommendations:

Blogilates: Cassey Ho is a Youtube fitness instructor best known for her upbeat demeanour. Her videos are free to view online. Her audience is mainly women, but anyone can do her fitness videos! They are short, hard and fun. I think of myself as fit, but I still get tired from doing these! She has modified poses for beginners, and does a variety of videos (POP pilates, HIIT, focus on different body parts, etc). When I need a boost of energy, I like to do her videos.

Yogaglo: this website provides unlimited online yoga classes for just $18/month. I can't recommend Yogaglo enough! I have been doing yoga only on Yogaglo for several years, and I love their classes. The teaches on Yogaglo are excellent, and videos can be filtered on time, experience level, yoga style, focus and much more. This is a great resource, especially as yoga classes can be very expensive, and the quality of yoga teachers can vary. If you've been practicing for years or are brand new to yoga, there are videos online that will suit your experience.

2) Do some chores

It's easy to let your chores slip when you're in a funk. You don't vacuum, leave dirty dishes lying around, have laundry piled up...the list goes on. Getting just one of these chores out of the way can make you feel energised. Wash a few dishes and make the bed! You'll feel better knowing you're looking after yourself, even if it's just a small task.

3) Eat a healthy diet

Eating healthier will definitely give you more energy. It's tempting to try to boost your mood but eating unhealthy (but tasty!) food, but ultimately this will lead you into a destructive cycle. Start eating a little bit healthier every day- follow the kaizen method! If you try tor revamp your diet completely, you'll be bound to fail and you'll feel even more demotivated. Try to eat healthier snacks, or make sure you eat breakfast before you leave the house. Once you get into healthy eating habits, your mood and energy will improve.

4) Start your day with something inspiring

When you wake up, do you roll over, grab your phone and start looking through your emails/social media? Do you feel inspired when you do this? The answer is probably no, and it's a shame to start your day so mindlessly. Instead of looking at your phone, pick up a book instead and read a few pages! Find something to do that you enjoy that isn't too much work, and isn't related to your day ahead

5) Get in a routine

It's all well and good to do these things occasionally, but to feel consistently energised, you need to have a healthy, wholesome routine. This doesn't mean planning your day minute by minute. This could be a loose plan of things you enjoy that you would like to fit into your day. For me, I like having time to myself in the morning, and I like exercising and reading.  Although I don't always do it, I like to wake up, exercise and watch TED talks while I eat breakfast. I find this combination really energises and inspires me. Make sure to make time for the activities you enjoy.

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